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Like every other year Nike celebrates worldwide the AIR MAX DAY, to celebrate it we created a local campaign full of energy and creativity that started with a shooting filled with air by Alejandra Quintero. Through a place named the DEPARTMENT OF THE UNIMAGINABLE which had a unique purpose: Stimulate creativity and take things one step forward. To make this happen, we created 4 live workshops consolidated in 4 disciplines, a teamwork guided by 4 tutors known locally (Paola Rojas, Darcy Cabrera, Bastarda Type y Nicolás Rivero). All of this took place in 2 spots that turned their ideas into a reality, among them La Universidad de los Andes.

The Problem

How to celebrate and manipulate something as ethereal as air in order to make everyone walk on Nike’s shoes?

The Solution

By conceiving an experimental lab where students could learn from selected NIke instructors crafts and knowledge on creative techniques having “air” as main element. The Bogotá department worked partnering with the prestigious Univeridad de los andes as well as having a digital platform where students could assist and download master classes. The students end experiments where exhibited on the department’s main gallery for everyone to admire.

Let's Talk!

We’ve been creating miracles from Japan to Scotland, to Brazil and of course our beloved Colombia. Happy to hear from you.